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Character Personal Data Tools Playable?
Ashley Winchester
Class: Gun Warrior | Age: 19 | Height: 5'8'' | Birthplace: Town of Meria
Favorite Hero: Anything Crimson
Ashley is a young man belonging to a Musketeer brigage in the seaside Town of Meria. Strong willed with a sense of righteousness, Ashley set out to battle the crisis facing Filgaia after being chosen to be a member of the Agile Remote Mission Squad (ARMS). Contrary to his gentle demeanor, he has become quite skilled at wielding a huge bayonet.
1.Hurl Knife
2.Booty Call
3.Flare Gun
Lilka Eleniak (Japanese - Riruka)
Class: Crest Sorceress | Age: 14 | Height: 5' | Bithplace: Sielje Region
Favorite Food: Jelly Rolls

Lilka is a sorceress just starting out. Though clumsy and scatterbrained with a terrible sense of direction, she still has a boundlessly cheery and forward-looking disposition, so she dictates the mood of the party. Ever since she was young, she has had an inferiority complex when compared to her older sister who was better at everything. She is now constantly struggling to become a greater sorceress than her older sister.
1.Fire Rod 2.Freeze Rod
3.Change Rod
Brad Evans
Class: Prisoner No. 666 | Age: 32 | Height: 6'6'' | Birthplace: Slayheim
Favorite Insect: Beetle

Brad was a hero, a soldier in the Slayheim Liberation Army. Certain circumstances drove him out of the army until he was arrested and locked up in a high-security prison filled with the hardest of criminals. An expert in firearms, he also has much experience in handling explosives. He is a brilliant warrior who faces difficulties with cold, calculating judgement.
1.Kick Boots
Tim Rhymeless
Class: Zoa Priest | Age: 12 | Height: 150+cm
Tim is a boy with gentle features. He has the amazing power of being able to communicate with the Guardians.

If a guy walked around like that these days, he be beaten to death^^;;
*snicker* Girlie-man...

2.Air Ballet
3.Mist Cloak
Kanon - Aisha Bernette (did I spell it right??)
Class: Bounty Hunter | Age: ? | Height: 175cm
Kanon is a female warrior with her eye on Ashley. Known as a "Merc," she is a bounty hunter who wanders the land.

Kanon was originally named Aisha Bernette(?), and had most of her limbs replaced with bionic parts. The most useful part of this is her Bionic Arm...

1.Wire Hook
2.Rad Blades
3.Jump Boots
Marivel Armitage (Japanese - Mariabell)
Class: Crimson Noble | Age: ? | Height: 142cm

Marivel is an optional character near the end of the game, and is also seen many times in the game. She's the only way you can unlock most of those hidden bosses, ARMs, Guardians, and she's the only way you'll get to see Liz & Ard one last time. You can find her in the back of the Crimson Castle.
2.Windup Key
3.My Mike
yes (optional)
Anastasia Rune Valeria
Class: Sword Magess | Age: ? | Height: 160+cm
Anastasia is the legendary heroine known as the "Sword Magess." She vanished together with the "Blaze of Disaster" who had attacked the land of Filgaia.

Anastasia is only playable in the Memory Maze.
? yes (temp.)
Class: Guardian of Desire | Age: ?
Lucied is the Guardian of Desire. He is said to have cooperated with the "Sword Magess" in the battle against the "Blaze of Disaster."

Lucied is only playable in the Memory Maze.
? yes (temp.)
Irving Vold Valeria
Class: not sure | Age: 22 | Height: 180cm
Irving is a nobleman who lives near the Town of Meria. He bought the rights to ARMS on the verge of its collapse and built it into a private, independent guerilla squad. He is a dependable leader fot Ashley & Co.

Let's not mention that he's slightly insane... ^^
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Altaecia Rune Valeria (Japanese - Altacia)
Class: Cook in the Valeria Chateau | Age: 22 | Height: 164cm
Altaecia is Irving's twin sister. A woman with a gentle and mild disposition, she has taken it upon herself to pull cafeteria duty for ARMS.

Also keeping in mind they're twins, they are also lovers. o_O; If you didn't catch the hint in Irving's room before the Spiral Tower, well... heh.^^;;
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Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus
Class: Leader of Odessa & Cocytus
Leader of the terrorist organization named Odessa. He is aiming to use his powerful charisma and overwhelming military power as weapons to establish a dictatorship over Filgaia.
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Officer of Odessa and member of Cocytus. The owner of an obstinate personality, he is an expert on guns.

He's also a bit insane... oh-hoho... *drool* my glasses is about to fell off ^^
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Officer of Odessa. She excels at assassination and as a front-line strategist.

Her and Vinsfeld have something going on... hehehe...^^ *pokepoke* Well, Antenora sees it differently, accually. You'll hafta beat her in Diabo Point Antenora to find out.
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Officer of Odessa and member of Cocytus. He excels at warfare with modern weapons. He is popular with the subordinates.

Ptolomea is the first Odessa member you hafta fight^^
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Officer of Odessa and member of Cocytus. Although the youngest member, she is a powerful summoner who manipulates Randolph the Magic Key.

Caina is the last Odessa member you hafta fight^^ Haven't beaten the first disc? Er, Gomen nasai! You didn't hear that!!^^;;;

- no
Marina Irington
Age: Probably 17-18
Marina is a childhood friend of Ashley's. She and Ashley have become aware of their feelings for each other but they have not been able to fully express themselves truthfully.
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Collette Mapleleaf
Age: Probably 11-12

Collette lives in Baskar village. When you talk to her, she constantly thinks to herself and doesn't exactly say what's on her mind. But her and Tim have the hots for eachother, so we can't leave such a character out, now can we?^^
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Age: Hasta be around Brad's age...

Billy is Brad's only friend's left from the Army. Unfoutunately, when we find him in T'Bok Village w/ Merrill, he's in a wheelchair and has suffered brain damage. The only thing he does seem to remember is Brad, which kinda gives an emotional hit when they meet up again*sniffle*^^ Sorry to spoil this, but even though they keep saying he will recover, you never do see it... *crycry*
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Pooka meets up with Tim and is the only way to truely unleash the Guardian's powers. He is also a useful tool of Tim's outside of battle.

He is one^^; yes (helps Tim)
Amy Fairchild
Age: 21 | Height: 161cm

She works in the Valeria Chateau for Irving with Kate.
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Kate Lindberg
Age: 20 | Height: 159cm

She works in the Valeria Chateau for Irving with Amy.
- no

Odessa's comedy relief, Liz & Ard. At first seeming friendly and "good guys," you eventually find out that they are working for Odessa. In battle, when Liz attacks, he also attacks Ard^^;;...
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Ard: "Ard Ard Ard Ard Ard Ard Ard Ard Ard Ard Ard Ard Ard!!"
Ashley: "What'd he say??"
Liz: "Thank You."
Ashley: "Uhh... Right."
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Tony Stark
Age: 13 | Height: 136cm

One of Tim's friends. He's the boy causing trouble in the Withered Ruins in Ashley's solo.
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Scott Summe
Age: 12 | Height: 155cm

In my humble opinion, he says that too much... *koff* No, seriously, he's Tony & Tim's friend.
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no pic Terry

I don't remember him too well, but he and Lilka have something goin on. Most of the time, he competes w/ Lilka in the Sielje Region, blushing along the way.^^

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no pic Merrill

The little girl who helped Brad out after he fainted out of being tierd and in pain in T'Bok Village. She and her family took in Rassyu and Billy for Brad after he was captured.
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no pic Rassyu

Rassyu is Brad's dog. First found as a puppy, but left behind with Merrill when Brad got captured and sent to prison.
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