In a distant land...
The peace long enjoyed by the people came to a crashing end. The emperor of Palmecia summoned fiends from another dimension... And the empire launched its campaign for world conquest.
In response, a rebel force arose in the kingdom of Fynn.
In the ensuing clash between rebel and empire, Castle Fynn was taken. The rebels were forced to retreat to the remote town of Altair.
Amidst the chaos, four youths also fled the occupied Fynn. They were childhood friends, now orphaned and homeless...
And they suddenly found themselves running for their lives.
Square advances their graphical technology with a stunning introduction into the world of Final Fantasy 2. You join Frionel and his comrades on an unforgettable adventure of epic porportions. With new items, weapons, and magic, and even some good old things from the last game, Final Fantasy 2 is a must-have for any serious RPG player.