During the production of a game, the game itself goes through several changes. Throughout this period of time, there are several versions of the game created for magazines, beta testers, and of course to be released as demo versions. These changes can be small things from the swapping or adding of a sound effect, all the way to the extremes such as removing entire scenes, locations, characters, or plot points. Final Fantasy VII has a lot more interest in it's betas than any other Final Fantasy game: Mainly thanks to the poor translation, the Aeris Revival Rumours (the everlasting question� did it at one point exist?), and a few other unanswered questions in the game. In this section of UFFSite, we've catalogued every different piece of beta we can find, from Magazine shots, to the few demos released, right down to actual pieces of unused art, characters, and anything else leftover in the game. If you have any beta information or media we don't have, contact us. You will receive full credit on the sie for any contributions made.
There are several demo versions of FFVII, and we're looking to get our hands on every one. We do know there is a demo with Aeris in it (Which we have), and a demo with Tifa in it (which we do not have). If you have one and wish to help the site out, please contact us. It won't require you to send us your disk if you don't want to! You will receive full credit on the site for any contributions you make.